WHEUPA hosts several fundraisers each year to close the significant gap between family contributions and program costs. These fundraisers can only be successful when EVERY family participates. Therefore, we ask that WHEU students AND parents/guardians volunteer to help with at least one WHEUPA fundraiser. With your support we can keep the contribution per student from increasing.
We recognize that everyone involved with WHEU is very busy. We’ve all got the same 24 hours a day, and the same demands on our time - raising families, working, commuting, etc. Please choose to spend some of your time with your child, enjoying the wonderful music he/she makes and watching them perform and compete! We cannot emphasize enough how volunteering with WHEUPA provides a meaningful opportunity to get behind the scenes with your child. In addition, you will make new friends and become part of the WHEUPA family. As hard as we work, we have even more fun! There are a few jobs which can be done at home at your convenience if you’re crafty, a talented spam musubi chef or a whiz on the computer, but your presence at the event is especially meaningful, and your child will notice your involvement.
All fundraisers are held at West High School after school hours. WHEU’s first fundraiser is held on a Saturday in late Sept/early Oct, when we host the South Bay Invitational (SBI). This is the first field show competition of the season, and we host 6-12 bands and their families. It takes many hands to make this day a success. WHEU’s second fundraiser is conducted over the first 2 weeks in December, when we sell Christmas trees at our Tree Lot in the West High parking lot.
Additionally, many adult volunteers are needed to help the program work for our kids. WHEU needs chaperones to ensure our children’s safety at all off-campus competitions, truck drivers to transport band equipment and uniforms to those competitions, parents to help distribute uniform pieces and concert wear to the kids at the start of the season and to collect them at the end, people to help decorate props, and others to make and/or sell ribbon and candy leis at West High School’s graduation. These tasks and their typical durations are described in the table below.
The only volunteering positions that require you to be a registered and cleared TUSD volunteer are Chaperone and truck driver. You should begin the district registration process NOW if you think you’ll want to do that. For all other jobs, it is recommended that you register as a TUSD volunteer. https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/Mjg5Njplbi1VUw==
Below is our master list for all adult volunteer opportunities. Please take a moment to review all our opportunities and sign-up to help whenever you can. Students will sign up for their shifts in the Band Room. If you have any questions, please contact the WHEUPA President (president@wheupa.org).
2024-2025 Volunteer Opportunities (Signup Genius link)
Thanks in advance for your help in making our program great for our kids!